Welcome to ClarkeCroquet
This site provides "courses" covering aspects of croquet such as Laws Training, Stroke-Play and Tactical Coaching, Lawn Care, and some fun stuff such as croquet trivia quizzes.
Where does ClarkeCroquet fit into the world of online croquet resources?
This site contains interactive training resources such as self-marking quizzes, video demonstrations, photo essays, coaching materials written by the site facilitators (Chris and Jenny Clarke) and other contributors, and resources to help tournament managers.
To visit an area of the site, click on the "course" you'd like to join, and self-enrol by clicking on the "enrol" option on the right. Quizzes and some other activities will require you to register with ClarkeCroquet and enrol in the courses (all free). Other resources can be checked out through Guest access.
Why do I have to sign up and login to use ClarkeCroquet?
This site is built on a "Moodle" base, which allows us to provide interactive activities like a great array of quiz options - the trade-off is that the site needs you to login for the quizzes to work properly. You can visit ClarkeCroquet as a guest and access everything apart from the quizzes, however for the full experience and access, pick a username and password and come on board.
What's new lately?
September 2018:
- Check out the excellent new artificial croquet lawn at Russley Village - the best we have ever played on!! See "Lawn Care" section
February 2019:
- Under "Croquet Rules (AC and GC)" the ALL Golf Croquet rules quiz questions have been updated to the 5th edition (2018) version of the Rules.
Enjoy the site, and please give us feedback to help improve the site. Feedback and contributor suggestions can be sent to: admin@clarkecroquet.com